
تقرير مختصر مترجم باللغة الإنجليزية يوضح عناوين الدراسات والأبحاث التي أعدها ونشرها مركز البحر الأحمر للدراسات السياسية والأمنية حتى مطلع شهر سبتمبر 2022، نخاطب بهذه النصوص المترجمة المجتمع الغربي وإعلامه للإطلاع على أوضاع اليمن وجرائم إيران والحوثي في اليمن.

* القاهرة – خاص.

{A brief explanation of the studies and research prepared and published by the Red Sea Center for Political and Security Studies so far, which are 8 important strategic studies}

With God’s help and success, the Red Sea Center for Political and Security Studies prepared and equipped several strategic, field, scientific, security and intellectual studies according to professional and scientific standards, accurate and purely cognitive information and extensive investigations. Studying, researching and deepening the “criminal Iranian penetration and expansion in Yemen” which represents the greatest danger to our identity, our religion, our people, our history and our future.

The researchers at the Red Sea Center focused on this aspect as a basic and strategic goal due to the difficulty of the great danger and the difficulty of confronting Iranian ambitions in Yemen. Completely and some of it into French and German. Seminars were prepared in Cairo and Marib on some important studies. The most important of which was a political, realistic and strategic study prepared and discussed by the Center regarding Yemen joining the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.

The study is considered the first of its kind in Yemen that discusses the future of Yemen’s joining the Gulf system. Praise be to God, these preliminary studies were submitted and delivered to the United Nations, the League of Arab States, many international human rights organizations, regional and international strategic studies centers, and regional and international media and cultural institutions. Here are the titles of the studies prepared and published by the Center.

1- The Republic of Yemen and the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf

(Building peace… and the future of partnership) This study was discussed in a political and realistic depth on the Center’s announcement day on June 29, 2022

2- Houthi summer centers… the other side of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. This study received publication and attention on all local, regional and international channels at the beginning of last July.

3- Iran bombs Yemen with mines, and Saudi Arabia is restoring peace to the land. (Field study, analysis, comparison and documents) A strategic symposium was prepared for the translation of this study in Cairo 16/8/2022 and this study was delivered to all international human rights organizations and international study centers due to its importance and the great danger of mines on civilians in Yemen.

4- The reality of Yemeni women between the inferno of war and aspirations for peace

 A symposium and a wide discussion panel were prepared in Marib for this study on 28/8/2022 and it gained unprecedented media momentum locally, regionally and internationally, as it dealt with a very important topic, which is women and peace and their reality in Yemen.

5- Al-Houthi summer centers..a model for the culture of violence and the expansion of the infrastructure of terrorism. Accurate information, perception and dimensions of the danger of this great aspect to the future of Yemen and its generations.

6- The Iranian role in the Arab conflicts – 2000 – 2020. A purely political and deep study

7- The sources of the soft power of the contemporary state and the reasons that led to the decline of the soft power of the Arab state

8- Seeing the Red Sea Center at the table of the leaders of the countries bordering the Red Sea to protect it permanently, security and militarily

There are dozens of important studies that the center began preparing and processing by dozens of political and academic researchers, security and military experts, and researchers in the field of future studies and development in Yemen, among the most important researchers in the Red Sea Center, as well as studies in various aspects, including in the field of activating the Yemeni diplomatic corps from The poor situation and failure of the diplomatic corps, the strategic relations between Yemen and Saudi Arabia in particular, and the Yemeni and Gulf relations in general, and a deep study of the importance of developing Yemeni-European relations in accordance with common interests and the rise of Yemen on land and people, and in the field of human rights and displaced persons, and the destruction of the Yemeni economy and investment by the Houthi militia and Iran’s intelligence , And how should we benefit from all these negative events that afflicted Yemen and extract from them solutions and strategic visions to advance development, develop the Yemeni economy, rebuild and advance the Yemeni reality, etc…

We at the Red Sea Center for Political and Security Studies, one of the most important centers for strategic studies in Yemen, affirm that the center supports peace and stability in Yemen, stopping the war and normalizing life in Yemen, but we say it with all

Frankly, we are in front of a criminal enemy that does not have the slightest degree of mercy and humanity, and they are the Houthi militias, which refused to open a 3-meter pass road in Taiz governorate to facilitate the lives of more than 3 million citizens in Taiz. human rights and that it has no seriousness or credibility for a lasting peace in Yemen

And every day we see and the world sees with us the violations of the truce by the Houthi militia and the killing of dozens of civilians, the national army and the forces of the south, and this is the policy of their masters and leadership, Iran, which destroyed Iraq, Syria and Lebanon before Yemen, and now it is destroying Yemen gradually, as long as Mullahs and Wilayat al-Faqih rule Iran so that the region is in safety and stability The Khomeinist revolution of Iran has been the source of evil and extremism in the region since 79.


Head of the Red Sea Center For political and security studies

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